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Student Sponsorship

Through sustainable sources of income, such as the bike shop and the sewing store, we are already trying to generate as much independent income as possible. However, the fact that our projects have undergone incredible development in recent years and the number of children and young people coming to us is growing day by day means that we would not be able to meet the needs of the young people without your financial support. The children's school fees and the costs for our staff members must be covered, school materials must be paid for and the further expansion of our projects must be financed so that we can take in more children into our project family. We can only do this together and that is why we are incredibly grateful for your help! Donations can be made to the Dreams for Kids e. V. associtaion account. From there, your donations will be transferred to Zanzibar Learning 4 Life without any deductions. Please always include your email and home address so that we can send you your donation receipt.


Make a difference!

We try to provide free education to all children whose families cannot afford school fees. Accordingly, we have established the following rule: Everyone gives what he/she can. This means, families who can pay school fees do so, others who cannot pay, give us food or help to keep the school grounds clean. Everyone is welcome here and we want equal opportunities for all! Nevertheless, we cannot do that without additional funding. We have to raise 450€ per child/year to provide all they need for an enriching school life: Learning materials, transportation (school bus), daily lunch, etc. So, we need support, because we can't do it all on our own. That's why we're asking you: Could you imagine sponsoring one of our children? For 450€ a year, you could fulfill your sponsored child the dream of free school education. At the same time, you will take part in the development and life journey of your sponsored child through a regular exchange of letters. Eventually, you will be enriched in the most positive and happy way. The good that you give to others is returned to you. So, if you can imagine becoming a sponsor, please write us an e-mail or call Silas personally. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts!

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Bank Details

Recipient: Dreams for Kids e. V.

IBAN: DE68 8306 5408 0005 3709 73


Bank: VR-Bank Altenburger Land


If you would like to receive a donation receipt, please include your address and e-mail address with your transfer. 

Experiences abroad

Volunteer Work

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You want to gain experiences abroad, enjoy working with children and young people, dream of traveling to one of the most beautiful places on earth and are willing to do something for a good cause at the same time? Then become part of our team, help with the day-to-day work in our projects in Zanzibar and put a big smile on the faces of children and yourself. Whether in lessons, tutoring, sports activities, working with disabled children or contributing your own ideas: we need your talents and are incredibly grateful for your contribution. We can only fulfill the dreams of children and young people in our projects with the help of a committed team. If you want to become part of our team, please write us an email or call Silas. We will be happy to help you with your travel plans and any questions or requests. We look forward to hearing from you!

Hakuna Matata 

Spread the Word

Would you like to support us in our project work, but you don't have the financial means to do so yourself at the moment or you’re so busy that it would simply be too much to become a member of Dreams for Kids? Here’s our answer: "Hakuna Matata!". That's no problem at all! We are still very happy about your appreciation and your interest, because it’s the basis for the most important thing you can do: Spread the word!! Tell others about our projects, plans and visions for the future and help us to further expand our social network. You are a great support and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts!


Dreams for Kids e. V.

Silas Schwabe

Houreede 55

49078 Osnabrück

Thanks for your message!

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